Yes, you may be thrilled to hear, that I am now a CharlieIsSoCoolLike fan.
OR, you may be thinking 'Erm, Who?'
If that is so, type 'Purple Man' into youtube.
(Rated, PG )
Emily was off today -
I think she was having a..
God bless her soul.
In Music,
Joe, a fellow class mate, sang his heart out to 'Wonderful World' By James Morrison.
He was
We all stood up and started swaying to the music.
In Gym,
We had all the flaming apparatus out, with arms and legs flailing wildly around the sports hall.
Of course, someone was injured.
She was swinging on the ropes and her knee bashed her in the konk.
I had to take her to medical, bless her cotton socks, which got me out of rope swinging too.
Which I thought was spiffer-doodle.
But still.
I didn't have a bleeding shnoz.
That is all.